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安迪·塞尔沃:(接下来)谈一点关于亚马逊和杰夫·贝佐斯的事吧,他拥有《华盛顿邮报》。WARREN BUFFETT:Yeah.沃伦·巴菲特:是的。ANDY SERWER:They offered it to you, my understand Ing9 is,when it is for sale. Or-- I mean, you talk to Don a lot.


我的意思是,任何有销售团队的人有时都会在他们激励的事情上犯错误。而且,如果不立即采取行动,不好的做法将会蔓延。这就是你在威尔斯看到的。我看不出他们究竟是怎么从假账户中赚到钱的(笑)。但是,成本也有连锁反应。When something goes wrong at Berkshire, if it doesn‘t getcorrected there’ll be more problems subsequently. And when I was a Salomon,Charlie gave me the form. He said, get it right, get it fast, get it out, getit over. And any time you see a problem, and you‘re a responsible partly incorporate America, that means just get it right, get it fast, get it out, getit over. And- don’t skip-- [LAUGHS]And just put that right in front of you and goto work on it.

So there‘s ripple effects.And there always will be in recessions. That’s the nature of recessions, is youget ripple effects. We get ripple effects on the railroad. but there‘s just--there’s less intermodal traffic moving now because of the supply chaininterruptions and all that sort of thing. But that‘s-- you look at, again, in1942 when I bought my stock. The Philippines were about to fall.

沃伦·巴菲特:是的,是伯克希尔冒险了。除了不能卖空伯克希尔自己的股票,它们可以做任何他们想做的事。ANDY SERWER:And then speaking a little bit more aboutAmazon and Jeff Bezos, he owns “The Washington Post.”

